For Attorneys
Your Neurosurgeon Co-Counsel
After nearly thirty years of practice as a neurosurgeon, and over a decade of dedicated work reviewing malpractice claims and cases, I have developed significant expertise in a great many neurological and neurosurgical topics which are often the subject of medical malpractice claims. I have provided expert analysis and testimony on topics including missed epidural abscess, intraoperative spinal cord injury, misplacement of surgical instrumentation, missed spinal hematomas, and delay in diagnosis of brain and spinal cord injuries. I believe that such experience, combined with my legal expertise in analyzing medical negligence cases, could greatly enhance the strength and value of your cases.

As co-counsel with you when representing your client injured by medical negligence, I will be available to work on any and all aspects of the case, from initial screening intake to settlement or trial. I anticipate that my role will include the preparation, performance of, or assistance with defendant and witness depositions and trial testimony, direct communication with your experts, and assistance with all manner of medical-legal writings.
Additionally, I am accepting direct referrals of medical negligence cases of all types. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about details of my law practice, or to review current or potential new med mal cases. Please email me at